G H Masonry has been offering, professional work and Masons for Home builders for over 13 years with a large variety of stone products in the Austin metropolitan area. G H Masonry commitment to quality ensures the finest products and services in the industry.

The masonry fire place has been the backdrop for holiday celebrations, weddings and romantic winter evenings.
As the saying goes, “In the beginning, there was fire” and for the next five thousand years, the wood fire became a central theme of family life. The ancient fire pit began as a simple hole in the ground, where the tribe would gather around a wood burning fire in the evening. As mankind became a little more inventive, the fire pit was reinforced with mud and rock. Then, ancient man build houses and moved indoors and more elaborate wood burning designs were developed, that is a reality and is one of the reasons for the existence of masonry.
For that reason G H Masonry has been devoted also to update their knowledge and so provide better quality in their work, what makes us the best in the region.